PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts is a young dynamic and vibrant organisation; a centre of expertise for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. PXL offers graduate and professional bachelor programmes in Business, Education, Healthcare, IT, Media, Tourism, Music, Social Work and Technology, and bachelor and master programmes in Arts.
PXL also has 7 Centres of Expertise for Research & Development: 1) Logistics, 2) Innovative entrepreneurship, 3) Smart ICT, 4) Innovative Healthcare, 5) Constructing & Energy, 6) Arts and 7) Educational Innovation. Our Centres of Expertise conduct practice-based research, organize training courses, disseminate results into practice and give advice for companies and institutions. We deliver result-oriented, qualitative work within an agreed framework. PXL has a wide international network and agreements with international partner institutions all over the world.
In terms of size, PXL is in the middle range of the Flemish higher education sector with about 10.000 students and 1.000 staff members. PXL is located in Hasselt, the capital of the province Limburg, situated in the north-east region of Flanders, in the upper-side of Belgium.
The vision of PXL is summarized as the X-factor. The X-factor is the central compass for all people who are involved in and with PXL. The X-factor integrates four main domains: 1) entrepreneurship & innovation, 2) empathy & passion, 3) (inter)national networking and 4) multidisciplinary expertise. The aim is to develop this X-factor as well as possible for all students and staff members, who are connected to the PXL University of Applied Sciences.

Further information about PXL is available at https://www.pxl.be/International.html